A Form B Certificate can be requested by Realtors, Lawyers, Notaries and Strata Owners.
When a request for a Form B certificate has been made, an email notification is sent to all Strata Managers assigned to the property, unless their notification settings have been turned off, or the Property Manager is using a default email notification option.
To process the request click the ‘Orders‘ option on the left side menu bar.
If you see an orange dot on the link, that means there are active Form B and/or a Form F Requests that needs to be processed.
In the Orders section, Click on the Order number to view the Orders Details.
The Order Details section contains all the information about the order.
A Council Member can either upload a Form B or Form F certificate that was created as a PDF using another program, or create one online.
To upload a Form B, click the blue ‘Upload‘ button and upload the file.
To create a Form B online, click the blue ‘+ Create‘ button.
Fill in all of the information requested on the Form B form.
Make sure the correct Strata Lot Number and Strata Unit Number are correct. These numbers will appear on the Form B certificate.
If you need to edit the Strata Lot Number or Strata Unit Number, and Update button will appear when these fields are edited. Change the number and click ‘Update‘ to save changes’.
The Strata Lot Number will appear at the top of the online certificate form.
Simply fill in the form with the information you have on hand and required to generate a proper Form B certificate.
Attach any required documents such as any agreements, amendments, resolutions, notices, work orders, etc.
You can add notes and attachments to any Form B certificate, where indicated.
Type in the name of the person who completed the certificate (Council Member / Manager). This name is used to emulate a signature on the completed PDF document sent to the person who requested the certificate.
Click on ‘Update Form‘ to save the information.
If you need to add additional documents to the request, look for the green ‘Add Additional Files (s) to Order‘ button on the main ‘View Order‘ page.
Once the requested certificates have been completed, either by using the online Form or uploading a completed certificate, and any additional documents have been added to the order, an orange ‘Complete Order‘ button will appear under the ‘Order Details’ header at the top.
Once you click on ‘Complete Order’, a pop-up prompt will require to choose to either send the request immediately, or send it when the order is scheduled to be complete (Recommended).
One other thing to be aware of is the mini-menu to the right of the Order Details which provides other options to:
- Reschedule Order – This is used to change the due date of the order if more information or time is required to complete. An email message is sent to the to the person who requested the certificate along with the details you provide as to why the order is delayed.
- Cancel Entire Order – Use this option to cancel and refund the entire order. StrataPress Admin will be notified and process a refund with confirmation to the customer.
- Request Undertaking – A letter of undertaking is an assurance by one party to another party that they will fulfil the obligation that had been previously agreed on, but not written into a contract. This only appears if there has been a Form F requested. The Undertaking Request will send a message to the person ordering the Form F (Likely a Lawyer or Notary involved in the conveyancing of the sale). This letter acknowledges that the Seller’s representative on the conveyancing will take responsibility for any outstanding fees owed by the seller that have not been paid prior to the closing of the sale. The recipient of the Undertaking Request is provided a link where they can upload a signed letter of Undertaking, which will be attached to the Order Details page. This signed letter (PDF) can be viewed and downloaded, but can’t be deleted form the order.
If you have any questions about completing a Form B certificate, contact StrataPress at info@stratapress.com or call 250-412-6595.