Other Strata Owners and Council Members will register through an invitation, once this account is approved, or through the StrataPress website as an OWNER and they choose the strata they want to join in the registration process.

Our Strata Owner’s Portal is available for Self-Managed Strata Corporations. With the Self-Managed Owner’s Portal, the Strata Council replaces the role of the Property Manager and Strata Manager when it comes to managing documents and responding to Form B & Form F certificates. All members of the Strata Council will have the same administrative options and when the Owner’s role changes from Council Member to Strata Owner, administrative options will be limited.

The Self-Manages Strata account is created by a Strata Council Member.

Go to and click on the ‘Register an Account‘ link found on the top navigation bar.


For Account Type, choose ‘Council Member – Self Managed’.

Confirm that this is the type of account you require and click ‘I Understand‘.

Provide an email address and password and click ‘Sign Me Up’.

Your password should contain 1 number, 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter.

You will be sent a Verification Code to the email address you submitted.

Enter that code and click on ‘Verify your Account’.

Next, complete the registration form, agree to the Terms of Service and then click on ‘Create My Account‘.

At this point your registration is sent to Simple Strata Solutions to review and approve.

You may receive a phone call or an email if we require any further information.

Once you’re registration has been approved, you will be sent an email notification informing you that your Owner’s Portal is ready for you.