If you have a question you want to ask the person who requested a Form B or a Form F, use the ‘Send Message‘ feature on the order details page. Messages are sent to the recipient using email and SMS text messages (if they have verified their mobile number).

The recipient can respond and all communication is archived on the order details page.

To send a message, click on the ‘Send Message‘ option found on the mini-menu of the order details.

Write your question in the pop-up messaging window and click ‘Send Message‘.

The message is sent to the recipient via email and text message and a new ‘Messages‘ window will appear on the dashboard under the ‘Notes‘ window on the right side of the order details page.

You can send additional messages by clicking on the “+ Add Message” button.

The recipient will receive a text message and an email notification with a link to the message.



The Recipient clicks on the provided link and can respond online without having to log into their account.


The Recipient simply has to provide their email address once as verification to access the online messaging.

The message and order details are provided along with a means of replying.

This action can be done online using a laptop or any mobile device.

The reply message becomes part of the thread for both parties.

For the Property Manager, the thread is continued on the Order Details page.

Each message is dated and time stamped.

Only the Strata Manager who sent the original message will receive an email notification that a reply has been posted.

The Strata Manager clicks the link provided in the notification and they are taken directly to the Order Details page.

The Recipient will also have access to an archived message thread on with order details under the ‘Messages‘ tab.

They can also send additional replies or questions about this order to the Property Manager by clicking the ‘Add Message‘ button.