Discussions are shared between the Property Manager, the Council and anyone else invited to participate in the Discussion. You can see who else is added to each Discussion and all comments are visible to everyone who has been added to a Discussion.
At any point in a Discussion thread, attachments can be added. Attachment file types can be PNG, JPG, PDF, DOC, DOCX or XLS.
If you receive a Discussion message from the Property Manager or Strata Council, the entire message will be contained within the email message. Users can click the link provided in the email to reply and comment, if required, and participate in the Discussion. There is also a link provided to opt-out of further notifications about that Discussion.
From the Properties List, access the mini-menu and click on ‘Discussions‘.
For Strata Council Members and Owners, the Discussions section can be accesses from the left sire menu bar.
Within the Discussions section, there will be a chronological list of previously posted Discussions.
Click on the Discussions headline to view the Discussion.
To create a new Update, click the green ‘+ Create Discussion ’ button.
On the ‘Create A Discussion’ page you’ll find that creating an Discussion is similar to sending an email.
Provide a subject line and a message, and attach any documents you want to send.
Choose any Owner to include in the Discussion by clicking on the checkbox next to their name. Add as many people to the Discussion that you wish.
Choose whether or not to allow comments, select the recipients and then click the blue ‘Publish Discussion’ button.