Orders placed on StrataPress are based on a 24 hour cycle, meaning that an order placed at 10:15 am will be delivered at 10:15 am on the date that it is due.

This setting will enable you to have ALL REQUEST DUE AT 5PM on the day that it is due.

  1. Go to your profile settings at the top left corner of your dashboard (Drop-down under name)
  2. Under the ‘Default Due Time for Form B/F orders‘ change, the time from ‘When Ordered‘ to ‘5:00 pm
  3. Click ‘Update Settings‘ button to save the changes.

This setting will push rush orders ahead beyond 24hrs, 48 hrs or 72 hrs. For example, an order placed at 9 am with a 24hr rush will be due at 5 pm the following day. The person requesting documents will be notified of the due time when the order is placed.